year-round on Tuesday - Thursday between 10:15 am and 1:15 pm at Saanich Commonwealth Place
SWPS has successfully hosted Water Polo Phys Ed sessions for grades 1-5 (Elementary) and grades 6 - 8 (Middle School). Our 45-minute sessions provide comprehensive instruction and include all necessary equipment.
Saanich Commonwealth Place Recreation Center located west of the Patricia Bay Highway and north of Royal Oak Drive in Saanich
Water Polo offers an excellent physical education opportunity, allowing students to explore a sport that promotes teamwork, endurance, and aquatic skills. Many kids that have gone through the local Water Polo program have come from initial Phys ed class introduction. They have gone on to pursue water polo at a competitive level and some have gone on to represent us as members of the Canadian National Team!`
Cost and Details:
Cost: $110/class
Duration: 45 minutes
Sessions available: Tuesdays and Thursdays for Middle School (Grade 6 - 8) and on Wednesdays for Elementary School (Grade 1 - 5)
Teacher Participation:
Teacher participation is not required for the sessions, although you are welcome to join in if you wish. For your convenience, we provide a sample Water Polo Field Trip Form that can be sent home to families. This form is editable and will be emailed to you upon request
To schedule Water Polo Phys Ed sessions for your class, follow these easy steps:
1. Email Saanich Water Polo School at
2. Include the following information:
Grade, Teacher’s Name and Contact Info, Number of Children in the Class, Preferred Dates and Times Class can attend
You can also simply fill out the request form at the bottom of this page!
SWPS will promptly respond with possible dates and times for you to choose from.For more information contact Ferenc Vindisch, Head Coach, at 250-514-9236 or for any additional inquiries.
Commonwealth Place Legacy
Commonwealth Place has been the starting point for many water polo stars, including those who began their careers with Minipolo. Our sessions are conducted by nationally certified Saanich Water Polo School coaches, ensuring a high standard of instruction.
Speed, Strength, Agility...Fun! Dive into the dynamic world of competitive and recreational water polo, where we cultivate athleticism and also the joy of the game. Join us as we celebrate teamwork, sportsmanship, and the sheer exhilaration of playing in the water.